Funding oppportunities

World Cinema Fund – Berlin International Film Festival
  • Хөтөлбөрүүд
    • Production support: max 60.000 € per project
    • Distribution support: max 10.000 € per project
    • WCF Europe
  • Хаяг
    • World Cinema Fund Vincenzo Bugno Potsdamer Str. 5 10785 Berlin Germany

Together with the Federal Foundation for Culture and in cooperation with the Goethe Institute, the Foreign Ministry and German producers, the World Cinema Fund works to develop and support cinema in regions with a weak film infrastructure, while fostering cultural diversity in German cinemas. The World Cinema Fund supports films that could not be made without additional funding: films that stand out with an unconventional aesthetic approach, that tell powerful stories and transmit an authentic image of their cultural roots.

The World Cinema Fund supports exclusively the production and distribution of feature films and feature-length documentaries. The support is focused on the following regions: Latin America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Caucasus as well as Bangladesh, Nepal, Mongolia and Sri Lanka.

Production support: max 60.000 € per project

The budgets of the projects should range between 200.000 € – 1.400.000 €. The subsidy may not exceed 50% of the total production costs. The funds should be spent in the countries in which the film is to be produced.

Distribution support: max 10.000 € per project

German distributors can apply for distribution funding not exceeding 10.000 € for the distribution of film from the WCF regions in Germany. The subsidy cannot exceed 50% of the total distribution costs.

WCF Europe

With the funding programme WCF Europe we will retain the current successful funding structures of the World Cinema Fund. WCF Europe will operate in the production and distribution funding fields as well, but opening up the WCF support to companies from European countries participating to the MEDIA sub-programme.

That means within this programme, film projects can be submitted by companies from the WCF Europe eligible regions and countries in cooperation with a company from European countries participating to the MEDIA sub-programme, and vice versa. The European partner would become the administrative recipient of the WCF Europe funding.

The main criteria are the same: WCF Europe will support the realization of films (feature-length fiction films and creative documentaries) from WCF Europe eligible regions and countries. The premises of the selection are the artistic quality and the content of the projects as well as their feasibility.

The WCF Europe eligible regions and countries are the same as for the World Cinema Fund (Latin America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Southeast Asia, as well as Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) plus – only for WCF Europe – Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine.

For a Further Democratisation of the International Co-Production Landscape

From a geographical standpoint, the profile of the international co-production landscape still requires extensive development. Some European countries have been playing the leading role for decades in international co-productions with non-European regions, including countries that lack a constructive and consistent film industry. WCF Europe wants to encourage a further democratisation of the international co-production landscape.

WCF Europe does not intend to ignore innovative projects from the most active countries in recent decades (which are usually also the countries with the most developed film industries), with the best training and production facilities. The new WCF Europe programme will, however, champion a further democratisation of the international co-production landscape.

This is why special consideration will be given to funding projects by production companies from countries with the lowest production capacity inside the eligible WCF Europe regions and / or to European countries who are not yet fully involved in international co-productions.

Visions Sud Est
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    • Visions Sud Est Thierry Jobin Limmatauweg 9 5408 Ennetbaden Switzerland

The Swiss fund visions sud est was initiated in 2005 by the Foundation trigon-film Baden and the Fribourg Film Festival, with the collaboration of Nyon’s Visions du Reel and the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. In 2011, Locarno Festival has joined the fund as new partner.

The fund supports film productions from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe, aims at making them visible worldwide and guarantees their distribution in Switzerland. In case a project is being supported, all rights for Switzerland are automatically transferred to visions sud est.

Visions Sud Vest want to encourage independent production and subsequent distribution in Switzerland and in Europe of full-length (with a duration of at least 70 minutes) cinema fictional films and documentaries in post-production (no short films, no TV films!) from the South and East. This support should furthermore play a ‘catalyst’ role for the film industry in the country of origin of the production.

All the projects for which financial support is requested must be proposed exclusively by a company based in a country from the South (Africa, Latin America and Asia) or from Eastern Europe (excluding EU members) and regularly producing films by filmmakers in these countries. Therefore, the main part of the project must be shot in these countries and – except in special circumstances – in the local or regional language.

There are two types of financial support:

– Support of the production of fictional films on the basis of documents attesting to the feasibility of the project (at the minimum 30% of the financing have to be already acquired before submitting a request).

– Support of the post-production of fictional and documentary films on the basis of a first cut and a finishing concept.

A fictional film project will be supported with a maximum of 50.000 CHF for production or a maximum of 20.000 CHF for post-production.

A documentary will be supported with a maximum of 10.000 CHF for post-production.

This support entails the global distribution rights for Switzerland.

Crossing Borders
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    • Literarisches Colloquium Berlin Nadja Grabsch Am Sandwerder 5 14109 Berlin Germany

The Crossing Borders program provides international research grants to authors, filmmakers, and photographers who address current social issues and seek to reflect their impact on different cultures and societies through their work. The aim of the program is to support the creation of publications that refute commonly held stereotypes, inspire dialog and promote mutual understanding.

We welcome applications both from newcomers and from established authors, filmmakers, and photographers alike who take interest in conducting first-hand research, visiting authentic places, and creating works that offer new perspectives on other societies to the German speaking public. Works from a range of genres are eligible, including literary and essayistic prose, photographic work, children’s and youth literature, feature films and documentaries, and radio or multimedia productions.

We support research for German-language publications in the countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. In addition, authors, filmmakers and photographers from China (including Taiwan, Macao, Hong Kong), India, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam have the opportunity to receive funding for research in Germany.

Depending on the destination country, it is possible to apply for research funding of up to €15,000 which includes:

– Subsidy for the travel costs for one way, continuation and return travel to the destination country/countries up to a maximum of € 2,500,

– Subsidy for accommodation costs and meals for max. 31 days

– Subsidy for the preparation of the work, implementation and follow-up of the research trip in the amount of € 1,500 per month for a total of max. three months.

Event Funding

In connection with the publication of the Crossing Borders works, it is possible to apply for funding for the presentation of these works at public events.

Crossing Borders is a program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, conducted in cooperation with Literarisches Colloquium Berlin.

  • Хаяг
    • JustFilms Ford Foundation Andrew Catauro 1440 Broadway New York, NY 10018 USA

JustFilms, an initiative of the Ford Foundation, supports independent film and emerging media projects that explore urgent social justice issues and seek to challenge inequality in all its forms. We also support the organizations and networks that help further these projects. Funds are distributed in two areas, social justice storytelling and 21st-century infrastructure, which together aim to transform pervasive narratives that produce and maintain inequality, and attract more resources for artist-driven creative visual storytelling around the world.

We believe that artist-driven moving image storytelling is vital to the pursuit of justice and equity in the 21st century. To flourish, storytellers and their networks need aligned creative, financial, and professional support, as well as distribution systems that enable them to reach a wide range of audiences. Historically, the field of independently produced film and emerging media has been under-resourced—and affordable, reliable access to the work for audiences remains a challenge.

To address this, JustFilms supports ideas, individuals, institutions, and networks that work to reduce inequality through film, video, and emerging media platforms, with a special focus on documentary practices. We strive to increase resources in the field, develop artists as leaders, and connect storytellers with the tools and talent they need to do their best work, amplify their message, and extend the impact of their projects.

All projects submitted for JustFilms grants will be judged on the basis of artistic excellence, contemporary relevance, potential for strategic impact, alignment with Ford priorities, potential to transform stereotypes, beliefs, and value systems, creativity and innovation in form and focus on vulnerable population.

Hubert Bals Fund – International Film Festival Rotterdam
  • Хөтөлбөрүүд
    • Script and Project Development Support
    • NFF+HBF Co-production Scheme
    • Netherlands Film Fund.
    • Netherlands Post production Alliance.
  • Хаяг
    • Hubert Bals Fund Marit van den Elshout, Fay Breeman International Film Festival Rotterdam P.O. Box 21696 3001 AR Rotterdam The Netherlands

The Hubert Bals Fund is designed to help remarkable or urgent feature films by innovative and talented filmmakers from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe on their road to completion. It provides grants that often turn out to play a crucial role in enabling these filmmakers to realize their projects.

Although the Fund looks closely at the financial aspects of a project, the decisive factors to grant support remain the content and artistic value. Since the founding of the Fund in 1989, more than 1.000 projects of independent filmmakers have received support. Approximately 80% of these projects have been realised or are currently in production. Every year, IFFR screens the majority of completed films supported by the Fund.

The HBF offers several funding schemes: early on for script and project development, or later on for production. Filmmakers with a project in early development can apply for Script and Project Development Support in two sub-categories: Bright Future for first and second-time filmmakers, and Voices for filmmakers more advanced in their career. With the support of the Creative Europe-MEDIA programme of the European Union, minority co-production support is offered to European producers within the framework of HBF+Europe. Dutch producers can apply for co-production funding through the NFF+HBF Co-production Scheme, a collaboration with the Netherlands Film Fund.

Updated Geographical Focus

In January 2017 the HBF announced its updated geographical focus. In January 2018 the HBF published a conclusive list that includes all eligible countries.

– The HBF provides support to talented filmmakers from countries listed on the HBF list of eligible countries. This list still includes all countries mentioned on the DAC-list of the OECD and has been expanded slightly, among others with certain countries ranking low on the World Free Press Index;

– The HBF will also provide support to feature films by filmmakers from a country on the HBF list of eligible countries, who are living in diaspora (e.g. dual nationality, refugee status or residency permit) in a non-eligible country. Please note priority is given to films that are majority shot in an eligible country.

Script and Project Development Support:

– HBF Script and Project Development Bright Future (max. €10.000 per project): A special call for feature films by first- and second-time filmmakers. Applications can be submitted twice a year.


– HBF Script and Project Development Voices (max. €10.000 per project): A special scheme for feature films by filmmakers more advanced in their career. Selection criteria include verifiable interest from potential co-producers, sales agents and/or distributors.

The NFF+HBF Co-development Scheme


The Netherlands Film Fund now also finances international film projects with a contribution in the Script and Project Development scheme. Therefore, the HBF is empowered to support ten more projects each year within the Script and Project Development scheme, equally divided between HBF Bright Future and HBF Voices. This NFF+HBF Co-development scheme complements the existing successful NFF+HBF Co-production scheme, which already supports Dutch minority co-productions for over 10 years.

How does it work? After the Hubert Bals Fund has selected the projects for the Script and Project Development scheme, the projects among the selection with the most co-production potential will be supported by the NFF+HBF Co-development scheme. However, the handling will be done by the HBF and the conditions, selection procedure and awarded grant aren’t different.

The Netherlands Film Fund sets available an amount of € 200.000 for the NFF+HBF scheme per year. Dutch producers can be awarded a maximum of € 50.000 production support in order to co-produce a film that has received a script development grant by the HBF.

Commitment to Benelux distribution

To guarantee that HBF-supported films reach an audience within the Benelux territory, IFFR becomes the ‘custodian’ of the Benelux distribution rights of all films supported by the Hubert Bals Fund as of 2017. This means that the Benelux rights remain with the legal rights-holder, but IFFR will collaborate with Benelux distributors in the release of the film and/or release the film through its own channels (e.g.

HBF Postproduction Support

The Dutch Post-production Awards are a collaboration between the Netherlands Film Fund, the Hubert Bals Fund, and the Netherlands Post production Alliance.

Projects previously supported by one of the HBF schemes can be submitted. From these submissions, up to six projects will be invited to pitch their projects and/or show work-in-progress at the closed Dutch Post-production Session during International Film Festival Rotterdam. Based on these pitches, a jury will award two projects with a cash prize of €50,000, and a surplus of €5,000 in kind, to be spent on post-production in the Netherlands.


HBF+Europe offers minority co-production support to European producers to participate in high-quality feature films by talented filmmakers from countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe.

The scheme has a special spotlight on first and second feature films, but is also open to films by filmmakers more advanced in their career. The funding is designed for international co-productions, in which at least one European and one non-European producer is involved. The European producer should be the applicant and will conclude the funding agreement. Only 25% of the HBF+Europe funding has to be spent in Europe, the other 75% can be spent elsewhere. The scheme is especially designed to encourage European producers from countries with limited co-production schemes to participate. The maximum amount awarded per project is €50.000.

  • Хаяг
    • EZEF Bernd Wolpert Evangelisches Zentrum für entwicklungsbezogene Filmarbeit Kniebisstraße 29 70188 Stuttgart Germany

EZEF is a non-commercial organization related to the Protestant Church in Germany. They support projects in different stage of development and also can buy completed films coming from Africa, Asia and Latin America. By its support EZEF buys non-commercial rights for Germany. In order to apply you don’t need a German/European co-producer and you can approach them directly.

Doha Film Institute
  • Улс
  • Хөтөлбөрүүд
    • The Doha Film Institute Grants Programme
    • Doha Film Institute Co-Financing
  • Хаяг
    • Doha Film Institute Khalil Benkirane Doha, Qatar

Doha Film Institute’s film funding initiatives offer creative and financial support to filmmakers based in Qatar and around the world, helping them to unlock their artistry, manage their productions effectively and make high-quality films.

The Institute supports emerging voices from Qatar and around the world, and provides them with creative and financial assistance so they can translate their stories into viable film projects. It is our hope to discover quality film projects that have regional relevance, and that contribute to a diverse slate of engaging films.

Financial support is made available in two ways:

  1. The Doha Film Institute Grants Programme, which provides development, production and post-production funding to filmmakers from Qatar, and first- and second-time filmmakers from around the world. The Grants Programme seeks out original voices in film, develops a community of filmmakers among its alumni, encourages cross-pollination and creative interaction among artists, offers creative development support throughout the life cycle of films.
  2. Doha Film Institute Co-Financing, which invests in film production through strategic partnerships with film projects that are culturally relevant and commercially viable, encourage co-production opportunities between international and Qatar-based filmmakers, provide training and internship opportunities at all stages of production for Qatari filmmakers and strengthen the industry of the Gulf region by providing opportunities for development and collaboration.

International Applicants

– Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Development, production and post-production funding is available to first- and second-time directors from the MENA region for feature-length projects. Short films are eligible for production funding only. Established MENA directors may apply for post-production funding for feature-length projects.

Development funding is available to screenwriters from the MENA region for TV series.

Production funding is available to directors from the MENA region for web series.

– Non-MENA

Post-production funding is available for feature-length projects by first- and second-time non-MENA directors. The amounts of support for post-production are: – up to $75.000 for a feature film; – up to $50.000 for a documentary film; up to $30.000 for an experimental or essay film.

There are two submission cycles annually.

  • Улс
  • Хаяг
    • Luxembourg Film Fund Karin Schockweiler 5, rue Large 1917 Luxembourg

  Film Fund Luxembourg launched a funding mechanism to encourage majority and minority co-productions between foreign filmmakers and producers based in Luxembourg, and to incentivize Luxembourg’s audiovisual professionals to look beyond the country’s traditional co-production partners.

Cineworld is a production funding scheme for feature-length fiction, animation and documentary projects. The director attached to the project must have demonstrated experience with at least one produced feature film to their credit. Priority is given to films with strong international festival potential, in particular at “A”-Festivals. Other European co-producers may be attached to the project.

The participation of the Luxembourg co-producer in the total co-production budget must not be lower than 10%. To qualify for Cineworld support, the total production budget of the film may not exceed 1.25 million €. Cineworld support is capped at 200.000 € per project. For documentaries with a production budget of 350.000 € or less, Cineworld support is capped at 55.000 €.

No territorial spending obligations apply if the amount requested is 50.000 € or less for fiction and animation projects, or 17.000 € for documentaries. However, all eligible costs must be billed to and disbursed by the applicant company. All expenditure items must be recorded in the final account of the project.

For applicants requesting support in excess of those amounts, a Luxembourg territory spend amounting to at least 50% of the support granted by Film Fund Luxembourg is required.

Companies can apply for Cineworld support at pre- or post-production stages. Cineworld support is also suitable for applicants seeking finishing funds for their feature films based on shot footage and existing visual material.

No specific list of eligible countries has been compiled for the scheme. However, for a project to qualify for Cineworld support, the country of origin of the director and/or the project must differ substantially from the co-productions usually submitted to and traditionally supported by Film Fund Luxembourg. Priority is given to countries with no or limited film funding resources, or where film production is hampered by geopolitical or economic factors.

  • Улс
  • Хаяг
    • Cinereach 126 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor New York, NY 10011 USA

Cinereach supports feature-length nonfiction and fiction films that are at the intersection of engaging storytelling, visual artistry, and vital subject matter.

Grant amounts can range from $5.000 – $50.000 per project and can be awarded to support any stage of production, including development, production and post-production. Within each cycle, between five and fifteen projects are typically selected to receive support.

The Cinereach Award is occasionally presented to completed films that exemplify the Cinereach mission.

Funding Priorities

Through cinematic artistry and storytelling, Cinereach-supported films favor story over message, character over agenda, and complexity over duality, explore emergent topics, themes or ideas, possess an independent spirit, depict underrepresented perspectives, resonate across international boundaries, spark dialogue, challenge preconception and bias, champion humanity and hope.

In addition to making grants, Cinereach seeks to form lasting and meaningful relationships with the talented, dedicated, and creative people they support. They invite a continuing dialogue, maintain an open-door policy, and help to rally a community in which their grantee films and filmmakers can flourish.

The Cinereach staff casts a wide net in their search for stories, talent, projects and partners. Members of their staff attend events and film festivals in the US and abroad. Cinereach accepts also film submissions through this online submission portal.

Projects eligible for consideration must be feature-length (over 60 minutes), and intended for theatrical exhibition.