The beginnings of Mongolian cinema – III

The first film to show Mongolia - "Storm Over Asia" Soviet studios made several films about Mongolia from the late 1920s onwards. The first film to show Mongolia on screen was The Descendants of Genghis Khan (1928). Also shown under the name Storm Over Asia, Vsevolod Illarionovich Pudovkin’s film drew on the novel Potomok Genghis Khan to depict the protection of Mongolia from foreign aggressors. Other productions followed, including Sergei Dmitrievich Vasilyev and Irina Vladimirovna Wenger’s 1930s classics “10 Years of the

The beginnings of Mongolian cinema – II

Mongolia’s People’s Revolution took place in 1921, installing the second socialist government in the world. Bogd Khan was kept as the country’s nominal king, but when he died in 1924 a Mongolian People’s Republic (MPR) replaced the old monarchy. During this year the Central Committee of the governing Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) passed a law to establish a new culture center in the capital city. Named after D. Sukhbaatar, the charismatic leader of the 1921 revolution, it contained departments

The beginnings of Mongolian cinema – I

Cinema was invented in 1895 in France by the Lumière brothers, and brought to Mongolia in 1910. One of the most culturally significant early film venues in Mongolia was the palace of Bogd Khan, which was located in the country’s capital Da Khuree. Apart from being an important Buddhist cleric and Mongolia’s king from 1911 to 1924, Bogd Khan was also an important patron of early Mongolian cinema. The king’s wife, Pataa, recalled how in 1917/18 a film was shown