The development of Mongolian cinema – II

In the mid-1980s, there was every reason to believe that the Mongolian film industry had reached its peak of development. By this time more than 80 percent of film making staff had completed higher or secondary education and worked in a variety of disciplines. One of the major directors of this time was D. Jigjid, who started his film career with People's Messenger, and successfully participated in the Moscow International Film Festival (1959) and Canadian International Film Festival (1960). D.

The development of Mongolian cinema – I

In the 1960s the theme of modern history and revolution began to dominate, and comedy films also started to be made. Until the 1970s, Mongolian cinema was produced in accordance with official ideology. Nevertheless, the Mongolian government was able to develop new genres of art through the support of a highly talented workforce. During this period 58% of artists had received higher education. The film industry produced up to 5 feature films a year, about 70 groups of thematic documentaries,

Spark or Awakening “Serelt”

Developing interest in international cinematography was matched by an increase in the number of Mongolian filmmakers being sent to study abroad. In 1956 more than twenty students were sent to the USSR for industrial and technical internships, as well as universities in other states. A meeting of the Soviet-Mongolian Joint Commission on Cultural Cooperation held during the same year decided to expand the film industry. It was decided that, every year, Mongolia would make 24 short film episodes, translate six


The end of the Second World War resulted in the beginning of international recognition for the MPR. In October 1945 a national referendum unanimously affirmed the independence of the country. But it also coincided with a period of difficulty in Mongolia’s film making history. After finishing work on Tsogt Taij, Yu. Tarich returned home to the USSR. At the same time, the writer and director T.Natsagdorj and director of translated films B.Gombo were removed from their positions at Mongolkino on