Along the banks of the Khalkh River, there are dozens of monuments commemorating the Khalkhgol War, the largest of which is the victory monument located on Khamar Pass, 800 m above sea level, to the west of the center of Sumber Sum, Dornod Province.
The monument was erected on the Khamar Pass in 1984 on the 45th anniversary of the Battle of Khalkhgol, in honor of the victory of the Soviet-Mongolian army that defeated the Japanese invaders in the Battle of Khalkh River in 1939.
This majestic light monument is an eternal monument of friendship and brotherhoodof two countries, parties, peoples and armed forces.
The general design of the monument is a steel sword, and the part of the monument facing Khalkhgol shows the progress of all units of the air force, tanks, artillery, and cavalry of the Soviet Mongolian warrior army, while on the opposite side, there is a Mongolian girl displayed with golden blue khadag andkhatansuikh standing on a platform about 6 m high. /khadag and khatansuikh- symbol of brotherly friendship/.
The total height of the statue is 55 meters and it was made of 110 tons of copper.