Erdenezuu Monastery: In 1580, Avtai Sain Khan and his younger brother Tumenkhen met with the Third Dalai Lama and promised to build a temple in his territory. The main temple of the hundred monasteries. The art of the gods of the Main Hundred Temples of Erdenezuu Monastery dates back to the Uighur period. The first Mongolian Buddhist monastery, with a size of 400×400 meters with 108 stupas outside and a pavilion on all four sides, had 62 temples and 500 buildings in 1792. Today, 18 soums and temples remain, and in 1944 it was taken under state protection. Erdenezuu Monastery is the only monastery built according to Mongolia’s traditional urban planning. It is located 315 km from Ulaanbaatar.

LOCATION: MONGOLIA, Uvurkhangai aimag, Kharkhorin soum

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