The Mongolian National Film Council (MNFC) operates on a four-year policy in accordance with relevant legislation. The four-year policy defines the economic and film support framework for activities of the Council.
The four-year policy defines the strategic aims of the MNFC for commenting on draft policies and legislation in support of filmmaking. MNFC focuses on supporting local filmmakers through grants and soft loans and co-production with international filmmakers, capacity building of Mongolian filmmakers and young talents, issuing filming permits, and making decisions on the process of reimbursement for film projects, activities, and productions.
The Council has three pillars of operation for implementing its strategies: the Mongolian Film Fund, the International Relations Unit, and the Public Affairs Unit.
The Council focuses on achieving strong governance through The Film Council and its Sub-Committees. The Film Committee is responsible for the operation and management of the Film Fund. The International Relations Committee is responsible for relations between the Council and overseas film-producing entities, and for production support. The Public Affairs Committee is responsible for relations between the Council and the public, for film promotion, and for film archives.