Professional OrganizationsMSUAC-School of Radio, Television and Media Arts

Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture

School of Radio, Television and Media Arts


Bachelor’s degree:

  • Radio and television journalism, film presenting and filming for television
  • Radio, television and film directing
  • Graphic design
  • Media animation
  • Sound engineering (sound director)
  • Radio and television engineering (studio engineering)

Master’s degree:

  • Media production (Media animation, radio and television equipment use, technology, sound design, filming)
  • The art of directing (radio and television)
  • Art Studies (audio, television)
  • Journalism

Student exchange and international relations    

  • In the 2013-2014 academic year a specialist teacher was invited from Poland and in 2014-2015 a specialist teacher was invited from Turkey.
  • In the 2014-2015 academic year a scientific conference on sound design was organized in collaboration with the Shanghai Theater Academy, and six short films were made during the joint internship by filmmaking students.
  • From 2013-2014 we are working with the University of Dortmund to organize training seminars and sign a student exchange agreement.
  • In 2014-2015 we organized training in cooperation with KNUA University of Korea.
  • Since 2007 a TV studio worth about MNT One Billion has been established at the school as a result of a joint project with JICA Japan.