About the organization:
- “BP” LLC “/B production/ is the first recording business entertainment organization with an A class studio have achieved ISO 3382:2009 certification. Since 2006, our organization has been operating sound editing, recording, dubbing and subtitling. More recently our company in cooperation with Britain’s biggest company of SSL, we have expanded to become the first record company in Mongolia to introduce DOLBY SURROUND 5.1 adjustable sound recording studio, which meets world standards and has the latest advanced technology.
- We provide a broad spectrum of multimedia and film translation services including voice over, subtitling and video translation for organizations such as Skymedia and Central Television.
Main staff:
- Director D.Bold
- Activities Director J.Byambasuren
- Sound engineer S.Nyamdavaa
- Sound engineer, producer U.Tsogt
- Sound engineer E.Delgerdalai