Alternative distributionGolden Ger International Film Festival

Since 2013

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

When: June

Organizer: Mongolian Film Institute

Programs: Short competition

  • Non-competition short
  • Master class
  • Panel Discussion
  • Short Screening
  • Feature Screening

Mongolia’s most prestigious film festival which has a short film competition section

The festival provides a platform for aspiring young filmmakers to challenge themselves and showcase their burgeoning talents to a growing audience of movie-lovers. Ultimately, the film festival aims to establish a creative filmmaking scene in Mongolia.

This is the only film festival to host a competition for short films in this scope in Mongolia. We also screen feature films by invitation, hold master classes, host discussions and organize networking events during the film festival.

SInce its first edition 2013, more than 2,500 international and Mongolian short films from more than 65 countries were registered, of which more than 260 were selected in the competition and 55 won prizes at our film festival.